Planned CDRO diabetes resources
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 Planned resources

This website gives an overview of what is planned.

Currently a cut down version is being developed.

The links are still live even though they may be greyed out


When you have diabetes your body is unable to control your blood sugar levels.This can lead to lots of different problems which will effect your health.

            The termite story

A lot of the information is these resources apply to all types of diabetes, however to find out information which may be different go to the bottom of this page.

            The different types of diabetes


            Type 2 diabetes

            Type 1 diabetes

            Gestational diabetes

The CDRO only uses the insulin key analogies,

 Self management - eating & drinking

     Eating & drinking right

 Self management - being active

     Being active

 Self management - taking medication

     Taking your medication

 Your management plan

Knowing your numbers and understanding your diabetes management plan will help you self manage your diabetes

     Example of a diabetes plan

            Annual Cycle of Care Checklist

 Management - blood sugar

            * Insulin sugar stories

            * Liver sugar stories (glucagon)


            * Low & high blood sugars


            * Simple diabetes stories using different analogies

 Management - blood fats

            Fat sugar stories

            LDL & HDL cholestrol


 Management - blood pressure

            * Blood pressure stories


 My body - systems

Basic information about your body

            My transport system

            My electric system

            My control system

            My digestive system

 My body - organs



            Bowls & bladder





            * Kidneys


            Teeth & gums

 Keeping my body healthy - organs



            Bowls & bladder


            * Feet





            Sexual dysfunction

            Teeth & gums

 Infections & other problems


            Some problems you may have if you need surgery

 Making changes

My life

My feelings

My actions

Beharioural change



What is pre-diabetes?

Self management

Making changes - What can I do?

You can go back to the general diabetes section

            Back to the top

 Type 2 diabetes

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

 Type 1 diabetes

What is Type 1 Diabetes?

 Gestational diabetes

What is gestational diabetes?

Preventing diabetes

Self management

Making changes - What can I do?